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For participating in -- 2020 Footsteps for Families -- Home Sweet Home Edition!

Our team's story

Back in November of 2016, our three little 25 weeker miracles were born via emergency c-section. It was the start of a long journey for our little ones to grow, develop, and become strong enough to go home. Little did we know at the time... but it would be 11 long months before our last triplet was final well enough to be discharged from the hospital along with a van full of medical equipment to keep the little guy alive. We are forever grateful that the Ronald McDonald House gave our family a welcoming home to stay close to our children during such a difficult time. At first it was just us parents, but one by one our triplets joined us as they were discharged from the NICU. The warm meals, the soft bed to lay our weary heads, the laundry machines, the pumping rooms, the kind staff and volunteers... all of it meant more than we can say. The RMHCSCO will forever hold a special place in our hearts! Join us in supporting this beautiful charity to help families like ours!


Ronald McDonald House Charities South Central Ontario (RMHCSCO) serves as a regional resource for thousands of families whose children are being treated at local hospitals. Families typically come to us within 48 hours of their child's critical diagnosis, premature birth, or accident. These families' lives have been instantly turned upside down and our programs are committed to providing safe and comfortable accommodations, nutritious home-cooked meals, laundry services and specialized programming. By making a donation today, you will be helping to ensure that these comforts of home are available to provide a sense of normalcy when their lives are anything but, and ensure that the only thing our families need to focus on is each other.


Team members

Click on one of our team members below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 29 VW Grands $105.65
May 29 Aaron :) $52.83
May 29 Anonymous Undisclosed amount